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Ministry of Finance Announces Series of Decisions on Tax Procedures and Penalties

The Ministry of Finance has recently announced a series of decisions, including Decision number 74 of 2023, concerning the executive regulations of the Federal Law number 28 of 2022 on tax procedures, as well as Decision number 75 of 2023, about the administrative penalties for violations related to the application of the Corporate Tax Law. Furthermore, it also covered Decision number 81 of 2023, which outlines additional conditions for exempting investment funds from corporate tax.


Executive Regulations of Federal Law Number 28 of 2022

The Ministry of Finance’s declaration concerning the executive regulations of Federal Law number 28 of 2022 revolves around detailing tax procedures. This comes as part of an ongoing effort to bring transparency and clarity to taxation systems.

These regulations are designed to give clear guidelines on the application and implementation of tax laws. The implementation rules further ensure that taxpayers understand their obligations and rights within the context of the federal law.


Administrative Penalties for Corporate Tax Law Violations

Decision number 75 of 2023 provides a clear definition of administrative penalties for violations connected to the application of the Corporate Tax Law. It serves to deter tax evasion and ensure compliance with tax laws, ensuring a fair economic environment for all businesses.

These administrative penalties are set out to be levied upon entities failing to comply with the stipulated tax laws. The decision aims to protect the integrity of the economic system and provide a level playing field for all companies.


Exemption of Investment Funds from Corporate Tax

The third decision announced by the Ministry of Finance, Decision number 81 of 2023, pertains to the additional conditions required for investment funds to be exempted from corporate tax.

This exemption is in line with the country’s economic strategy to attract and encourage more foreign investments. Investment funds play a crucial role in the economy by providing capital, fostering innovation, and creating job opportunities. By exempting them from corporate tax, the government is offering a significant incentive for their establishment and operation.



In conclusion, these newly announced decisions by the Ministry of Finance are set to bring greater clarity and transparency to the country’s taxation system. By providing clear guidelines on tax procedures, outlining penalties for corporate tax law violations, and stating the conditions for investment fund tax exemptions, the Ministry aims to maintain a fair and healthy economic environment.

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